Fully-Featured and Free Hetacloud CDN Our global CDN nodes deliver lightning-fast speeds wherever your traffic is coming from.

  • Get a faster-loading website, wherever your users are
  • A premium content delivery network for no further charge
  • Includes speed-boosting Website Acceleration Suite for free
  • 99.99% Uptime Guarantee

Choose Your Plan

Fully-Featured and Free Hetacloud CDN

Our global CDN nodes deliver lightning-fast speeds wherever your traffic is coming from.

Load Balancing
Pin locating data centre Chicago, IL, USA
Pin locating data centre Seattle, WA, USA
Pin locating data centre New York, NY, USA
Pin locating data centre Ashburn, VA, USA
Pin locating data centre Los Angeles, CA, USA
Pin locating data centre Dallas, TX, USA
Pin locating data centre Miami, FL, USA
Pin locating data centre Santiago, Chile
Pin locating data centre Amsterdam, Netherlands
Pin locating data centre London, UK
Pin locating data centre Frankfurt, Germany
Pin locating data centre Paris, France
Pin locating data centre Madrid, Spain
Pin locating data centre Mumbai, India
Pin locating data centre Tokyo, Japan
Pin locating data centre Hong Kong
Pin locating data centre Singapore
Pin locating data centre Sydney, Australia
Pin locating data centre South Africa
Pin locating data centre São Paulo, Brazil
Pin locating data centre Mexico City, Mexico

Global Datacenters

Get a faster-loading website, wherever your users are

A premium content delivery network for no further charge

Includes speed-boosting Website Acceleration Suite for free


How a CDN works

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is all about making a website load faster for all users, wherever they are in the world.

This is done by storing (caching) copies of your website on servers at the network edge. For example, if your website is hosted at a US data center, there might be a delay if you try to access that site from the UK. So a copy of your website is stored on a server closer to the user, called a Point of Presence (POP).

Multiple copies of your site’s data are stored at different POPs throughout the world, so your site will load faster in remote places. Your users will navigate your site more efficiently, wherever they are.

While it's good for users, the Hetacloud CDN has other advantages. Search engines love fast-loading sites, so there’s an SEO benefit to having a CDN.

We give you the tools to get your
Google PageSpeed Score to 100/100!


Supercharge your site with our CDN

If your website is bloated, it may load slowly even if you use our fast hosting and Hetacloud CDN. Our Website Acceleration Suite slims-down the data payload of your site, without affecting its appearance or function.

Automatic image resizing
Automatic image resizing

Slow-loading images are the bane of website performance. Our image CDN will scan your images and resize them for the appropriate size for mobile and desktop.

Image compression
Image compression

‘Raw’ images often contain information that can be removed or compressed without a visible loss in quality. The Hetacloud CDN will compress your images ‘on the fly’, saving you time.

Next generation image formats
Next-Gen image formats

Our image optimization tools will convert files to fast-loading next-gen image formats like JPEG 2000, JPEG XR, and WebP.

Code minification
Code minification

We can minify and strip whitespace from our code. Our CDN will compress HTML, CSS and JavaScript files to reduce time spent parsing, compiling and executing it. Network payload is reduced, so sites load faster.

Lazy loading
Lazy loading

Only load what’s going to be presented to the user immediately: what’s going to be seen first. Your above-the-fold content will appear in a browser more quickly by deferring off-screen images or other non-critical resources.

One click optimisation
One-click optimization

Give your site a performance boost on mobile and desktop with a single click. A simple risk-free solution that will give you better PageSpeed scores.

Automatic image resizing
Automatic image resizing

Slow-loading images are the bane of website performance. Our image CDN will scan your images and resize them for the appropriate size for mobile and desktop.

Image compression
Image compression

‘Raw’ images often contain information that can be removed or compressed without a visible loss in quality. The Hetacloud CDN will compress your images ‘on the fly’, saving you time.

Next generation image formats
Next-Gen image formats

Our image optimization tools will convert files to fast-loading next-gen image formats like JPEG 2000, JPEG XR, and WebP.

Code minification
Code minification

We can minify and strip whitespace from our code. Our CDN will compress HTML, CSS and JavaScript files to reduce time spent parsing, compiling and executing it. Network payload is reduced, so sites load faster.

Lazy loading
Lazy loading

Only load what’s going to be presented to the user immediately: what’s going to be seen first. Your above-the-fold content will appear in a browser more quickly by deferring off-screen images or other non-critical resources.

One click optimisation
One-click optimization

Give your site a performance boost on mobile and desktop with a single click. A simple risk-free solution that will give you better PageSpeed scores.

Fast loading websites anywhere

Our global network will edge-cache full pages close to where the user is based. It works with our StackCache WordPress module – no plugins required – as well as any other software that sets public cache control headers. So it works on any website.

email sync


Preset profiles

Not your thing? If you want a quick fix, then select our tried-and-tested preset ‘One-click Optimization’ to get your site loading at lightning speed straight away – it’s up to you. It’s a one-click speed boost.

If you’re running a hosting business as a , you have the option to offer our CDN features as a package upgrade and restrict options for the less technical user.

Why use the Hetacloud CDN?

  • Cloud Hosting
  • VPS
  • Managed Cloud Hosting
SAVE 80%
Shared Hosting
$1.99 /mo
Buy & Renew at same cost

  • yes Unlimited Websites
  • yes Unlimited GB SSD
  • yes Unlimited Mailboxes
  • yes FREE Domain name
  • yes FREE SSL Certificates
  • yes FREE Migrations
  • yes FREE Daily Backups
  • yes FREE Website Builder
  • yes FREE Unlimited CDN
  • yes 1 TB DDOS protection
SAVE 80%
Wordpress Stellar
$0.99 /mo
Buy & Renew at same cost
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  • yes Unlimited Websites
  • yes Unlimited GB SSD
  • yes Unlimited Mailboxes
  • yes FREE Domain name
  • yes FREE SSL Certificates
  • yes FREE Migrations
  • yes FREE Daily Backups
  • yes FREE Website Builder
  • yes FREE Unlimited CDN
  • yes 1 TB DDOS protection
SAVE 80%
Managed VPS TOP
$6.99 /mo
Buy & Renew at same cost

  • yes Unlimited Websites
  • yes Unlimited GB SSD
  • yes Unlimited Mailboxes
  • yes FREE Domain name
  • yes FREE SSL Certificates
  • yes FREE Migrations
  • yes FREE Daily Backups
  • yes FREE Website Builder
  • yes FREE Unlimited CDN
  • yes 1 TB DDOS protection
Virtual Private Servers
CPU RAM SSD disk space Port speed Price Availability
1 Core
1 GB 25 0GB 100 Mbps $10.99 Buy now
2 Core
2 GB 50 0GB 100 Mbps $15.99 Buy now
4 Core
4 GB 75 0GB 250 0GB $25.99 Buy now
monitoring 24/7/365

Email Hosting

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Blob Background

We give you the tools to get your
Google PageSpeed Score to 100/100!

Blob Background

Frequently Asked Questions CDN

All about the CDN

Why is a CDN important?

    For any company that has an international presence – or a new business that would like an international presence – a CDN is important. It means that your website will load fast anywhere in the world.

    Fast sites lead to more sales and better search performance. Whether you want to make money from home, or already run a successful online business, you need a CDN.

What if I just serve my local community? Why should I use a CDN?
  • You might think CDN may not be important to you if you’re a local ‘bricks and mortar’ business that only serves your nearby community. That’s understandable, but having a fast site gives you SEO advantages, even locally. So even if you don’t have an international market, it’s still worth activating your free CDN and making use of its website speed acceleration.

When to use a CDN?
  • We say: since ours is free, use it all the time! There’s no disadvantage to using it, and unlike some providers, the Hetacloud CDN doesn’t charge you for the bandwidth you use.

    The only time you might want to turn off any of the Website Acceleration Suite optimizations are if they interfere with any complex functions on your site. Our friendly support team is here to help if you have any difficulties.

There must be a catch. How do you manage to make it a free unlimited CDN?
  • We say: since the Hetacloud CDN is free, use it all the time! There’s no disadvantage to using it, and unlike some providers, you are not charged for the bandwidth the CDN uses.

    The only time you might want to turn off any of the Website Acceleration Suite optimizations are if they interfere with any complex functions on your site. Our friendly support team is here to help if you have any difficulties.